Short clinical summary.

There have been over 180 clinical studies conducted on GcMAF and related immunotherapy areas. These are available for public viewing at the US National Library Medicine website (PUBMED) here. The different conditions and health issues which these studies have covered are listed below. 

Autoimmune disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Crohns disease
Kidney CKD, Liver Disease: severe cirrhosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Skin Cancer
Inflammation, viral and bacterial infections

A summary of clinical trials conducted on GcMAF

  • Nagalase - is an enzyme made by cancers and pathogens which damages the glycoprotein at the exact place where GcMAF is made, meaning that the immune system remains compromised. A Nagalase test is an indication of cancer, giving a warning long before it is visible on a scan.
  • Autism - clinical research has shown this group to have altered microglia (a cell) in the brain which is the preventer of diseases in the central nervous system. They also have higher-than-normal level of Nagalase indicating a compromised and inactive immune system. Therefore, making GcMAF the best treatment for autism.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - as with autism, it's an immune compromised condition.
  • Lyme disease - often caused by multiple infections, long term antibiotic use is the usual method, but a long-term immune support allowing the body to build immunity is an alternative for example GcMAF.
  • Auto immune conditions - the GcMAF  protein is an immune system mediator and has been shown to turn off (by apoptosis) macrophages when no longer needed at the site of an infection.
  • Bone health Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are cells in your body that help your bones grow and remodel to stay strong. Clinical studies demonstrated GcMAF activates macrophages, which help with the adsorption and reforming of bones. It was also noted that GcMAF speeds healing times in fractures, hip replacements etc. and is beneficial in osteoporosis.
  • Cancer - the GcMAF protein not only activates macrophages, it has also been demonstrated to prevent the formation of blood vessels to cancer cells (anti-angiogenesis) and prevent metastatic events. 100ng of GcMAF per week was shown to prevent the evolution of secondary cancers following allopathic treatments (Although this group still had evidence of cancer from high Nagalase levels, but no tumors was visible on regular scan tests). 4ng Of GcMAF per kilo body weight a day was shown in clinical trials to reduce solid tumors (for an average weight female, approx. 300ng per day.
  • Immune regulation - as well as GcMAF being a mediator of macrophages, a research paper exploring the endocannabinoid system and GcMAF showed that it down regulated overactive macrophages.
  • Nitric oxide production - GcMAF activated macrophages produce large quantities of nitric oxide, improving blood flow and further supporting immunity. GcMAF regulates healthy blood pressure.
  • Stroke and brain injury repair - taking GcMAF a week after a stroke  has been associated with brain repair.
  • Vitamin D transport - GcMAF improves vitamin D absorption. the levels of vitamin D can be used up quickly by the body, so it is worth keeping an eye on levels.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune, inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Typically, MS begins as a relapsing-remitting disease and evolves over time to a chronic secondary progressive condition that can lead to severe disability and even death. Clinical studies demonstrated that GcMAF improves motor disability in a patient with MS, and that GcMAF is an immunomodulator which is useful for the treatment of this disease.

Who can use It?


What diet or supplements are needed?

  1. 10,000 IU Vitamin D
  2. autistic children have very high levels of vitamin D3, and low levels of vitamin D2. We do not recommend vitamin D3 supplements in autistic children without a vitamin D bloodtest.

Side effects

There have been no reported negative side effects associated with taking MAF SUPPLIES GcMAF.